Ezekiel’s Christian Ministries provide resources through our website and our teachings to help you know who you are in Christ. We believe that when you know your identity in God’s kingdom–that is a king, a priest (Revelation 1:6), an ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20), and a good soldier of Jesus (2 Timothy 2:3)–that you can truly walk in the fullness of God’s glory realizing all his promises for your life.

Current Offerings

Testimony Encouragement: 

Hearing from others encourages us to pursue all the promises God has for our life as well (Revelation 12:11).

Bible Studies:

  • Wednesday morning women’s Bible study led by Kimberly Jones in Shreveport, Louisiana. Participants view on Facebook live on her private group, Wednesday Kingdom Sweetness, from anywhere in the world.
  • Thursday evening men’s Bible study led by Harold Jones in Shreveport, Louisiana. Participants view on Facebook live on his group, Truths from Ezekiel’s, from anywhere in the world.

Healing Ministry:

Harold and Kim respond to frequent requests to go to hospitals and medical facilities to pray for the sick and encourage families.

One-on-One Phone Mentoring:

Harold and Kim are available to speak to you and pray with you to bring God’s presence and His word into any situation including crisis intervention.

Speaking Engagements:

Harold and Kim are seasoned teachers of the Bible specifically in how to apply the word in your life. They are available to speak at your event, luncheon, or conference. Please contact us to schedule.